Corporate Social Responsibility
At Malt & Wine Asia, we believe in giving back to the society and doing our part in driving progress. We support causes that align with our values, and are grateful to provide ongoing support to the following organisations since 2019.
Please join us in our efforts to make Singapore a better place for everyone by contacting the organisations of your choice.
Singapore Children’s Society
Singapore Children’s Society protects and nurtures children and youth of all races and religions. In 2020, the Society reached out to 34,654 children, youth and families in need. Established in 1952, its services have evolved to meet the changing needs of children.
Today, Children’s Society operates 12 service centres islandwide, offering services in the four categories of: Vulnerable Children and Youth, Children and Youth Services, Family Services, and Research and Advocacy.
For donations related enquiries, please write to
The Kidney Dialysis Foundation
The Kidney Dialysis Foundation (KDF) is an independent non-profit organisation which provides subsidised dialysis treatment to needy members of the community whose income falls into the lowest 10% income bracket in Singapore. Donations received will go into supporting the costs of medical care, treatment essentials and other complementary services for patients.
Support the Underprivileged here:
For other donation-related enquiries, please contact Ms. Caroline Oh at